
Pardon or Parole Hearings — NO APPEAL

In the past few days, I have received a number of inquiries from people who have been or had a loved one denied parole or a pardon from the Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles. These potential clients want to know how to appeal a ruling of the Pardon and Parole Board. In every case, I have to give them the bad news: There is NO APPEAL from a decision of the Board.

While I hate giving people this bad news, there is something that you can do to put yourself or your loved one in the best possible position to have a favorable outcome: Hire a qualified, experienced lawyer to guide you through the process and represent you at the hearing.

I have written before about the process of a Pardon or Parole hearing. There is no substitute for discussing your case with someone who is familiar with the Board as well as their rules and procedures.

Perhaps if more of the people who contact me after their hearings would have gotten up with me sooner, they would not be in the position to hear the painful truth that there is no appeal from the decisions of the Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles.

Don’t wait until it is too late. Contact me today to discuss your upcoming hearing or to talk about a pardon application. After a hearing is the wrong time. Today is the right time.

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